Our week in isolation

Last week The Husband and I tested positive for Covid… so we have been stuck inside together. We never got the phone call on what we were supposed to do (apparently over here 1 in 75 people has corona at the moment, and they just cannot process that amount). Luckily our symptoms were very mild and pretty much gone after 3 days. Still we decided to take it safe and just stay home for the full 10 days (12 for The Husband), and will go back to work again tomorrow.

We had to get groceries delivered, which I couldn’t help feel guilty about. The supermarket is 100m down the street, but now we had to get a van over and it just felt so lazy (though we did tell the girl who came to deliver to just leave it downstairs… we weren’t going to make her carry 4 big boxes of cat litter up all those stairs). So I decided to add some things to the list that the franchise does sell, but our specific shop doesn’t. Such as vegan chocolate and camembert… Actually, we have been eating a Lot last week, even though I haven’t been hungry at all (don’t know if that was because of being sick, or because of doing nothing all day). So… here are some food pics (because what else am I going to fill this post with :P). I even made bread myself!

I was going to clean the kitchen this week, but obviously didn’t do that. The Husband has spent a good amount of time (50hours at the moment) on his Witcher game, and I also made some progress with Kingdom Hearts 3 (I’ve got issues with it…). I watched a movie on Amelia Earhart, which was fine if you are interested in her. And I read a bunch of books:

I continued/finished the X-23 series by Mariko Tamaki, by picking up the second volume. She has done a great job with these characters and showing their human sides whilst not compromising on the arse kicking. It was a great story with some very good art work. Loved it. Then I picked up Marvel Voices: Identity… I have seen this series floating about and seeing as I had not much better to do decided to check it out. It was fine? I get that it is great that these characters are shown off, but you can’t do all that much in 5 page stories. It has drawn my attention to writers/artists and characters I would like to read more off though, so I guess that is a good thing. Then I saw the Moon Knight trailer (I am very excited), which made me want to continue the series I had started following that character. I loved the first volume, but sadly the creative team changed for the second volume and it didn’t quite live up to it. The supernatural villains in the first volume really got me hooked, but instead we are now back to terrorists… it just didn’t really draw my attention. They have done some very clever things in here though, especially the second issue where we follow the story through camera footage instead of the usual panels was an interesting way to look at it all.

I finished Christina Henry’s Horseman, and was disappointed by it. I loved the first part, and the atmosphere created in it. But then it really went downhill… to the point where we are faced with the creature in the woods and get that resolution, but then still have 70 pages to go!!! The actual villain of the story and their reasoning (or lack thereof actually) was wholly unsatisfying. Then there are the minor annoyances at some Dutch mistranslations and the fact that a certain character’s name is spelled 3 different ways throughout the book… Oh, and I did Not like the role the Horseman got to play in here. That was such a waste!

Something very different with The Tower at the End of Time. The first book in this series had very strong Howl’s Moving Castle feels, with a magical house and a crazy wizard. In this book the house got a bout of hiccups, and our heroes have to win the Hopscotch tournament to get to the Tower at the End of Time… which knows all of the answers. Such a fun and creative read… I just had a great time with it!!

The Husband and I have been trying to do a puzzle this week (we got the time), and I listened to the second book in the Temeraire series whilst staring at the 1000 pieces. I am loving this series, even though nothing really happens. In this second book we travel to China… that’s it really. But the characters and their relationships are just so wonderful to follow. I am very glad I decided to prioritise this series this year.

Before The Husband started his Witcher game he played his way through God of War, which really made me want to pick up this book. It is fairly reminiscent of Rick Riordan’s books… just without the stupid jokes that really don’t work for me. I am still not the biggest fan of reading about a group of (American) teenagers though, and get easily annoyed by the fact that all the descendants of these Norse Gods live in North Dakota. The writing is fine, and the mythology is used well (and there is only one comment regarding Marvel’s version of Thor). It was an easy read that scratched the spot for me.

So that is how I ended up spending my 10days of quarantine. Not too bad at all… but I am very excited to be allowed to go outside again tomorrow!

Hoping you will have an Awesome week,

12 thoughts on “Our week in isolation

  1. I’m glad you’re both doing better! I know a lot of people have done grocery delivery, but I just can’t bring myself to do that if I don’t have to. On the other hand, it’s great that the service exists for when people do need it!

    The Tower at the End of Time sounds really cute. I’ll have to pick that one up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yeah it can be great. I know several people who find it great for several reasons (covid, no car, young kids…). I just feel too guilty because the shop is so close by. And I don’t like Having to be home at a certain time.

      It is such a great series. Fun, cute, magical, creative, quick… the perfect palette cleanser 😊😁


  2. Glad you had mild cases. Sorry to hear that the Horseman book didn’t turn out good, I saw that cover and thought that looks interesting then read your review. Cool looking cover regardless.

    Liked by 1 person

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