The Blue Sky Tag

I was nominated by the lovely Jirah to do the Blue Sky Tag. Please take a look at her blog, her posts are an absolute joy to read, and she writes about all kinds of things. This tag looks like a Lot of fun, so thank you Jirah for nominating me πŸ˜€

The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer their 11 questions.
  3. Tag 11 people.
  4. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Jirah asked some amazing (and difficult) questions, so let’s get started:

1. What is the one thing you fear most?

I am really bad with needles… I always pass out. This has now escallated to me being really bad with doctors in general. Just at the idea that I might have to go to the doctor my body just shuts down. And it is really weird, because mentally I am fine with it. Like I know everything is going to be fine, and I will go to the doctor if I have to… but my body just isn’t up for it. Even when I accompany someone else to the doctor, I just pass out as soon as I enter the practice.

2. What does your name mean?

My name is Milou, which is French and a combination of Marie and Louise, and apparently it means ‘Fame’ or ‘War’.

3. What movie/series would you recommend to everyone?

To everyone? Damn, that is difficult. Especially seeing as I don’t watch that many movies and series…. I really enjoy Sherlock and Doctor Who (though I still haven’t seen the last season of either of these), though ‘lately’ I have mainly watched Death in Paradise and Broadchurch. Movies? I am extremely excited for the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie, so I would recommend watching the first one before the second one comes out.

4. What is your favourite scent?

Freshly baked bread smells pretty good.

5. What is so far your most popular post?

That is the post in which I announced I had 100 followers.

6. Would you rather watch a sunrise on a beach or watch a sunset in a park?

How about sunset on a beach?

I have seen sunrise on a beach a few times and it was so so nice… so I would do that again for sure.

7. Would you rather see a rare aurora or hug a wolf? (I know wolves are dangerous but imagine if it’s tamed!)

See an aurora for sure! I mean, wolves are beautiful but I am happy to watch it from a distance (and let it be a wild wolf, like it should). And seeing an aurora is high on the bucket list.

8. Would you rather live in a tropical country or just stay where you are right now?

I am fine where I am just now (The Netherlands)… tropical countries sound awefully warm, and I like my jeans and hoodies too much.

9. Sleep with spiders or be in a lion’s den?

I would definitely not be sleeping in either case… well, depending on how many spiders and how big it is. If there can sit one (or two, seeing as we are talking about spiderS) very still and quiet in the far corner of my room… I would pick that over very probable certain death please.

10. Have you experienced going out without money or your money being lost?

Sure, I have gone out without money (this usually being, having dinner at a friend’s place and then deciding we would go out still). It is not great ‘being a burden’ to others but there are definitely worse things in the world. Besides, you will always get the chance to return the favour.

11. How do you feel right now?

Uhm…. hungry, tired, excited, loved…

Thank you Jirah, once again, for those wonderfull questions!

I nominate the following people:

And my questions to you are:

  1. What is your spirit animal?
  2. Your house is on fire and you can only save one thing, what would it be? (Assuming family/friends/pets etc. are safe)
  3. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?
  4. What is something you hate, but you wished you loved?
  5. Where do you go and what do you do to relax?
  6. What is your favourite season of the year?
  7. What did you dream about last night?
  8. What is one thing you thought existed but it actually doesn’t?
  9. Favourite pizza topping?
  10. What is your current desktop wallpaper/phone background?
  11. What is something beautiful you see every day?

I hope everyone is having a lovely day,

26 thoughts on “The Blue Sky Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag. I don’t participate in tags/awards though, so I won’t be doing one myself. But I do appreciate the thought!
    Here’s a couple of answers to your questions.

    Fire: my gobag. It has all our important documents, etc that we need.

    Relax: I go to our couch and read. With some music [usually enya] playing in the background.

    Fall is my favorite season. I prefer my weather slightly colder.

    Pepperoni is probably my favorite pizza topping.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you on feeling hungry/tired. XD And DOCTOR WHO. I love me some Doctor Who. The last season was…kind of eh, so I can understand pushing it off. XD Do you have a favorite season? Or companion? Wonderful post, and thanks so much for the tag!! I really appreciate it, and although I’m a bit behind, I can’t wait to do it. Thanks again and your answers were so much fun to read! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😊
      I’m not the biggest fan of Capaldi, which is the main reason I haven’t watched the latest season yet. I love everything David Tennant though πŸ˜‹ Favourite companion… hmmm, Rose probably.
      You’re welcome, I’m looking forward to your post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Haha! I’m not sure – I think I might prefer to be eaten by the lion than scared to death by the spiders, but on the whole I think I’d rather settle for the sunset on the beach…

    Thanks for the nomination – great questions! I shall have to have a think… πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Enjoyed reading your answers and I’m super happy to be following a fellow European bookblogger! and well done to your fiance! I’ll check out his blog- you’re like the bookblogging power couple! πŸ˜‚

    Yes to GotG, can’t wait to see Groot again! πŸ˜‚

    lastly- thank you so many πŸ˜‰ for tagging me! I shall defo have a go at answering your questions in the near future! πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your name has such a cool meaning! It’s so lovely that your other half will have his own blog too… you’ll be able to really understand each other now how much work it really is, and help each other with how to do stuff and kicking around ideas… My biggest fear are spiders so *gulp* I’m choosing the lion’s den. I just hope it’ll be a quick death πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😊 He does often help me out already, checking for typos helping with ideas. We sometimes even write posts together. Very happy he is starting his own now, I’m so proud of him 😊 And yes, a quick death would be nice then…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I would def prefer spiders over a lion! Unless it was a friendly lion and we became inseparable but that’s a whole different thing XD Thank you for the tag! Sorry it’s taken me so long to read it I have so many tags to catch up on I’ve started to block them out but not any more I’m going to start doing them again finally! Thank you again can’t wait to answer these questions πŸ˜€

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