The Sunshine Blogger Award

What happier news can one get on a rainy day like this, than that you are nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so so much Casey @Adoptabookaus for this. For those who haven’t checked out her blog yet, please do so. Casey is just lovely and really funny.


  • Thank the people/person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions from your nominator(s).
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions.

The questions Casey asked me are:

1. What is your favorite book you’ve read this year?

This is pretty difficult. I have read a lot of books by Terry Pratchett, which were all amazing. I reread Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and am so so happy I did. I reread The Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, and as always loved them. But I think I will answer this question with Irons in the Fire. I received this book at the start of the year from the author, and it was amazing. See my review to know why…

Irons in the fire

 2. Most anticipated release? ONLY ONE!

I live under a rock, and always find out about new books after they have been published. The one book which even I could not miss is of course Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

cursed child

 3. Dinosaurs or Unicorns?


 4. What post of yours are you most proud of?

Damn Casey, you came up with some good questions. I found that there is a big difference between having your posts being read by most of you guys (people I don’t actually know) and them being read by people are close to me. My Review of The Long Earth was the first post I let my boyfriend read.

 5. What did you want to be when you were little and would you still like to be that if you could?

I wanted to be an author and a biologist. Would I still like to be that? I love writing (with this blog as the result), but I don’t have the mind to come up with a story. There are some ideas that have been bugging my mind for a while though, so maybe , one day. And for the biologist part… I am currently doing my masters in Biology (with a specialisation in conservation), with less than a year to go till graduation.

 6. Series or standalone?

Standalones? I hardly ever have the patience to finish a series. On the other hand, there are also books of which you just want More but there isn’t … Most of my favourite series consist of books that could almost be read as standalones (as in they all have their own story and conclusion).

7. Favorite Genre(s) and why?

I adore Sci-fi, but Fantasy is my favourite. Why… I think because it is so different. It is a whole new world you can explore.

 8. Most played song on your phone or iPod?

I don’t have music on my phone, and I only use my iPod for my alarm clock… I listen to a lot of Two Steps From Hell or movie soundtrack playlists while studying, so they will be high on my most played list. Most played song could be Dance with the devil by Breaking Benjamin.

 9. Give us a book recommendation you think everyone should read in their lifetime.

Anything by Terry Pratchett. Two of my favourites are Witches Abroad and Guards! Guards!, but all his books are just marvellous.

  10. Your favorite OTP (one true pairing)

Sigh… I don’t like romance in books. ‘Don’t like’ is putting it really nice. One author that makes it beareable for me is Brandon Sanderson. The only couple I have ever found myself rooting for were Raoden and Sarene (Elantris). Sorry…

11. What does reading mean to you?


Thank you Casey  for those great questions.

I would like to nominate:

(I am sorry if you have already been nominated for this. You don’t have to do it again, just see it as a confirmation of your Awesomeness)

and my questions for you are:

  1. Wonderland, Neverland or Narnia?
  2. What is the last picture you took with your phone?
  3. Have you ever danced in the rain?
  4. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
  5. What is your perfect pizza?
  6. Which book should everyone read?
  7. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen?
  8. Take the book closest to you and flip to page 37. What is the first sentence?
  9. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning?
  10. Tell us a fun fact about the country you live in.
  11. Do you believe in ghosts?

I hope everyone has a lovely day,


17 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. I’d love to live in Narnia, yes, I’ve danced in the rain *rolls eyes*, Lilly Collins is the fairest of them all, the basic cheese and tomato is the best pizza and the first thing I thought of when I woke up was what was I going to have for breakfast 😉 🙂 Thanks you for the nomination. Unfortunately I’ve done it before but thank so much nevertheless 🙂 I couldnt chose between standalone and series either. *Sigh* #BookwormProblems

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I stayed away from series for a long time. Then I heard the sweet call of all those amazing series, and I started a few. Now I need the money to get all the books!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great answers! Witches Abroad sounds awesome I just checked it out and read some reviews, can’t wait to read it for myself now! How exciting your achieving your childhood dreams 😀 The Cursed child is one of my most anticipated as well anything Harry Potter really I can’t WAIT for Fantastic beast and where to find them to hit Cinemas I hope its as amazing as the original movies 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely answers! 🙂
    Thanks for the nomination, I will definitely anwer your questions at some point, but not right now as I just did this award! I’ll let you know as soon as I answer them though! x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the nomination! 🙂 Great answers. Irons in the Fire looks really good – going to have to add that one to my TBR 🙂 And I’m so excited about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child too, although I’m going to force myself not to buy it until later in the year as I’m going to see the play in December – it’s going to be sooo difficult avoiding spoilers!!

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